Tuesday, August 14, 2012

California murder mystery, part 2

On Jun 6, 7:05 am, "Stuart A. Bronstein" <spamt...@lexregia.com> wrote:

> One approach would be for Chris to read a bunch of Perry Mason books. 
> They were written by a California lawyer.  While it's been a while, my
> guess is that the procedure hasn't changed a whole lot.

ROFL.   Yeah, I love Perry Mason, but if OP wants a realistic rather than formulaic trial scenario he should look elsewhere.   I mean, who else in the criminal defense field has won EVERY case he ever tried, by getting some idiot witness who wasn't even a suspect to blurt out on the witness stand that he or she was the one who dun it, thus forcing the judge to dismiss the case against the defendant, Perry's client?   I don't think Perry ever got as far as a jury verdict in one of his cases.

And I would guess that CA criminal procedure _has_ changed a whole lot since the 1940's and 50's when Perry Mason books were being written.  Perry never heard of Miranda, frex.  The Supreme Court has been very active in constitutional rulings on criminal procedure and I also wouldn't be surprised if the CA written rules of procedure were recodified and amended sometime in the last 50 years.

OTOH, if OP wants to write a period noir, that's a different story.

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