Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Myspace extortion scheme, part 3

On May 24, 8:44 am, Mike <prabb...@shamrocksgf.com> wrote:
> Mike Jacobs wrote:
> > On May 22, 8:29 am, bizee <bizeesh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> We have a case here at home.  There is a local gal with a beef with my
> >> daughter.  The gal has a myspace profile for her adult entertainment
> >> business.
> > What age are these people -- HS teens, college
> > age, or older twentysomethings?
> I HOPE the local gal is not a HS teen! :)

Some HS teens are over 18.  Or maybe OP's daughter is underage and is being victimized by an older gal, or by an over-18 classmate.   Maybe the "adult entertainment business" being advertised doesn't exist, and is just a cruel joke by the perp to embarrass OP's daughter.

Just because something is not what everybody expects and/or is something widely deplored doesn't mean it's out of the realm of possibility.  Hello, we're talking about a potential CRIMINAL ACT here, where the perp may already be so far over that line as to be committing extortion, and is using an image against the owner's will and without a model release.  So I doubt the perp is sitting back carefully weighing all the legal consequences; it sounds to me exactly like the kind of thing a headstrong teen would do.

I was trying to go over the kinds of questions OP and daughter may be asked by cops or prosecutors, or which they may want to bring out to highlight the seriousness of the incident.  Certainly if I were a prosecutor _I_ would sit up and take more notice if the perp, OR the victim, or both, were underage.   And I'm not so naive as to think there aren't some entrepreneurial teens out there actually running these kinds of businesses, or at least creating risque websites, esp. where OP didn't specify what he meant by "adult entertainment business."  It is possible the website operator could be limiting her site to things that are perfectly legal for underage girls to do, even though OP's daughter would find it embarrassing or defamatory to be associated with them.   Bottom line is, the reason we ask questions is we don't know and the answer may help flesh things out and paint a fuller picture of the situation that could change its entire tone for an investigator.
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Mike Jacobs
10440 Little Patuxent Pkwy #300
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