Monday, August 20, 2012

Landlord duties to avoid liability?

On Sep 24, 12:07 pm, "John D" <> wrote:
> I have inheirited a dilapidated house with a tennent.
*  *  *
>I think, no amount of repairs could make the house
> so safe that he couldn't find a way to fall down. How can I protect myself?

Um, buy insurance?   If you don't already have liability insurance in place, and you're renting the house out, you're being extremely foolish.   Don't blame the falls on a tenant "trying to get some income" -- you yourself characterize the house as "dilapidated" and "not up to code".   If anyone should be excoriated for trying to cut legal corners to make money in this situation, its a landlord who won't make necessary repairs and who doesn't even have insurance while continuing to collect the tenant's money.

You owe it to yourself as well as your tenant to be a responsible landlord.  Get safety-related issues fixed even if you leave the cosmetic ones for later; be sure you have adequate landlord liability coverage as well as property/casualty insurance on the house; and either fish or cut bait on whether you want to be a professional landlord or whether you want to just sell this place and not have all that responsibility.

This posting is for discussion purposes, not professional advice.
Anything you post on this Newsgroup is public information.
I am not your lawyer, and you are not my client in any specific legal
For confidential professional advice, consult your own lawyer in a
private communication.

Mike Jacobs
10440 Little Patuxent Pkwy #300
Columbia, MD 21044
(tel) 410-740-5685      (fax) 410-740-4300

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